Driven by the usual sinister intent, but also by the desire to explore the mythical and centeraria "Fera d'la Madona" delSantuario Vicoforte, led a group of friends in my own valley dell'Ailanto certainly be able to combine qualcosa.Facciamo mattinoBorsa the checklist to the fridge for lunch: presaMacchina photos to document: presaScatola tools: presaScatola of drill bits: presaMoglie: anchePartiamo, all happy and unaware of the fate that awaits business. The time to arrive, have breakfast, a bit 'expenditure to complete the usual sumptuous lunch and do a bottle of Dolcetto in three, completing a bit' of Marsala wine to knock out the sweets. After lunch, you do not vent the children of friends with a little 'extermination? See if I bought a scatoladi latex gloves the day before ... Let us arm ourselves boots and sticks for the boys, hoe, pruning saw and sickle for me, all gloves and start facendofuori smaller plants, making sure to pull well radici.Il small, four years puts us all with his stick to knock down the "bad plants" have officially created a monster , The largest, 11 is determined and science, once I provide the most robust of gloves does not leave a root in soil that is one, is going up until the point and all the little terminazioni.Finiti, attack a plant that will have two years, about 7 cm diameter of the trunk: the cut leaving a stump at least four feet high: I know that I will need to pry a bell'appoggio and bare roots, but what seems to me once we work a bit 'is even worse around the previsto.Inizio to dig and find the main root, pointing to the valley is about three times outside of the trunk, but the real sorpresaè the root system as a whole, we need to be able to take off for good break the bank about two to three square meters of surface, and I fear that although this is still left qualcosa.Finisco work, sweating like a goat in heat, drilling with the drill 22 from the tree stump "primitive", cut years ago from my father, who did not know that wretch would have done better to finish the job ... this strain is in fact that I cut two more jets now fifty feet high. Drill, fill with salt and hope, while load the wheelbarrow with the result of the day, the roots are supported on concrete exposed to weather, so you better be careful!