Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Long Can It Take For A Bruised Retina To Heal

Pictures of the Beyond

A reflection on the two distinct "Polarity"

"Even the tales of pe rsone survivors of clinical death from an accident or near-fatal run along with a continuum that ranges from abstract to detailed descriptions of states pictorial visions. In describing his pr ime discoveries, Raymond Moody [*] emphasized the lack of mythological elements, such as "a paradise from p erlacee ports, roads and golden winged angels playing the harp or a hell of flames and demons armed with pitchforks typical illustrations of the popular . However, in his initial book, and the Affer star but discovering an increasing number of individuals who, during their encounters with death, experience archetypal images of concrete and detailed landscapes the blue, with the city of light, shining blade Means, exotic gardens and beautiful rivers. With regard to expect to negative experiences he described of astral realms inhabited by spirits perpl them confused disembodied entities were not able to release completament and the physical world. "

(S. Grof, Beyond the Sog lia, the unconscious projected Eternity, Red Edizion i).

[*] Raymond Moody: Raymond A. Moody jr. (Porterda the , 30 June 1944) is a physician, psychologist and parapsychologist status nit ense, known for his studies on NDEs.

Gustave Doré - An illustration of the Paradiso of Dante's Divine Comedy

Gustave Doré, an illustration of 'Inferno of Dante's Divine Comedy

Osiris Bronx Red White

The Procession of the Dead - Part I

I " born with the veil "

you see them in spirit, in a dream ...

parades are "here and there, walking between one world and another, and usually - and rightly so! - Passing a pregnant sentence to reveal the secrets they learned in the procession.
The smell of fennel seeds stinging smell of human flesh at the stake and that's why I collect intact, the tie beam and never burn. The pick of Isarno in that, where there is still wild. Well-protected leave in a dream is always wise .. I wonder what ever touch you battle ... by a "blue born" can be expected of all ...

This Marazul is Schiarazula, " Scjarajule Maracjule ( LINK ) Friulian folk song that belongs to the repertoire of Benandanti , performed by Angelo Branduardi Futuro Antico II in.

In the following excerpts from: The Benandanti Carlo Ginzburg

"... as the conferences the sorcerers, the processions of the dead can be reproduced from benandanti only "in spirit, "ie, leaving the dead body, surrounded by a deep lethargy. In both cases, you go in spirit" is, as has been pointed out repeatedly, a kind of death: a death fictitious, however, by having a benandanti risk event that could lead to actual death, if the spirit does not return back from night meetings to take possession of abandoned body. So hibernation - this might be caused by the use of ointments or soporific catallessi of unknown nature - it looked like a appropriate means to tap into the mysterious world of the dead and otherwise unattainable, the spirits restlessly wander the Earth, which in the "agricultural" preserve the features of the cult of the ancient terrible "Wild hunt", while the other version, the "funeral" took the most composed and consistent with Christian tradition of the procession desscritta for the first time in Orderic Vital

BUT ... it can also happen that the spirit of a benandante lingered outside the body for more than 24 hours:

"Similarly, according to the Gasparutto, the spirit of that benandanti" Stano at least 24 hours to return "by the nocturnal gatherings or committing any foul, is" separate from the body, and then ... sepelendolo, ihis mind is wandering, et malandante is called - had to wander implacable "hora until that that body had to die," as an evil presence, hostile. Thus, the dead punish benandanti who break the secret of their nocturnal processions stick with the sorghum canes that grow in gardens ...".

And speaking of " born with a veil" ( as Benandanti), also says its Bermani:

"In many countries of Europe to the" born with a caul "is attributed magical powers, including the main ones are: enjoy protection against water and fire (since before birth, the amniotic membrane allows the child's life in which surrounds the baby in his womb, after birth the "shirt" to prevent his death by fire or water) to be invulnerable to injury (as it is protected by the "veil", a sort of magical armor) , the belief that, for example, has been shown to be present in Romagna, become invisible (because behind the "veil") have a special relationship with the dead (and this is because the "shirt" refers to the shroud and is contiguous to the world of the dead belonged to that of the unborn, which allows them to have a second view), project his soul out of the body and "processed in animals "go to the A Corsivo nother world (the" shirt "is the soul of the place" outside ", a guardian spirit that can turn into an animal in a dream and look to other people, not randomly HAMR means housing in both senses of the soul in shape, usually animal, and amnion, placenta. From helm that F. Kluge shows an Indo-European root Kel ("protecting cover") derives hamle (Liege), which literally means "the child's shirt," So, hamle, the Prince of Denmark Shakespeare, was predisposed to see ghosts . How, for example, wrote Gabriel Naude (1600-1653), about France, "all children born in the days leading Ember ordinariam Corsivo institution on their own shirt or membrane and can much more easily than others come to know and get familiar with in the genes that are intended to guide them. "

(Cesare Bermani, Fly for the Sabbath, Edizioni Derive Landing)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blood In Eye And Marijuana

the terrifying "forms" of sleep



'The Nightmare Generally seizes people sleeping on Their backs, and Often begins with frightful dreams, Which are soon succeeded by a Difficult respiration, a violent oppression of the breast, and a total privation of voluntary motion '
(John Bond, 1753)

HERE you can read Some excerpts from the book.

"Ephialtes (lit." that jumps on you ") is an anxiety syndrome identified as such by the Scottish physician John Bond in 1753 along with other authors of the time, in his treatise" Incubus. The famous greek physician Galen in the second century AD had already called nightmares "Ephialtes". The idea of \u200b\u200ban incubus as a generative factor nightmares arose from the belief that a spirit or ghost crept and was lying on the chest of the sleeping person so much, with its weight to crush his chest and make breathing difficult, thus leading to a sense of suffocation, with the terrifying dream of being crushed or (in the case of a woman) suffer sexual violence by a Ephialtes. The sleeper feels as if he were to die and wakes up in the throes of a great and throbbing languor, but also relief at the narrow escape. " (Wikipedia)

Incubus, watercolor by Charles Walker, 1860

Between the pages of myth is told of the terrible anger of the Giants by the decision of Zeus in Tartarus confine their fellow Titans. Imagine the Giants as they were in ancient Greece, which is not beings of flesh and blood, but spirits were born from the Earth with tails of snakes instead of feet. Ephialtes was one of their leaders, who undertook the battle against the gods, but the goddess had foretold that a man, a mortal man dressed in lion skins, would triumph with the help of a magic herb. The man was Heracles, the Savior, and the grass was the Ephialtion . But do not go look for grass, because you can not find! You can not. Neither you, nor I. And how magical and exorcistic Heracles used this herb? I'll get when we talk about another scary spirit that can sometimes stir in our sleep, He who speaks of murder and violence ... we'll see, we'll see .... you never know what you can then move between the folds of our sleep ... what could create our own dark thoughts and agitated ... and these days the world the wind blows too "heavy thin" ... However, if in your sleep you were attacked by quest'Efialte, when you wake up rammentatevi of Heracles, accompanied dell'Ephialtion from the Intelligence, the blind campers a dart in the right eye. It 's always Heracles against these entities shell the final blow. It 's always a mortal who triumphs over them. The gods intervene by providing advice, this is true, but the final action is up to him. It is up to us.

Milena-velba With Man

Carnival and the World Beyond

Masks of the Carnival of Venice

Mask is "licensed" in and of itself. For this I have always linked the over world and I was always a little carnival 'scared. And here I mean 'fear' in the sense of transition, change in status. It 's a fierce context, that of the Carnival, something that we talk about survival of parades and of' processions' where people dress up lingering on the brink of another world. The 'jokes Carnival', which I always considered from a certain point of view 'cruel', speak to us to cause fear and terror, tell of death (ritual) and initiation and the same forms, in their grotesque laugh or cry, recall the exaggeration and refer the look 'beyond' the normal. There is something more than that but at a first glance would seem only to mask the burlante corteo.Penso Mamuthones of Mamoiada in Sardinia, as not to get caught by the thought that something 'much older than what you think' will survive in that particular tradition? The "end of winter" or "call the summer" (and with it wealth and fertility) can not be separated from the "terror", by agitation rattles and bells to scare the season hard and death, to call the beautiful season and the life. But there is no life without death ritual, passing - even - with fear.

All my thoughts and feelings have also found a response when I read years ago, the intervention of Franco Castelli "Masca vel Stria: a symbolic mountain, " reported in the Proceedings of the Fourth National Congress of Historical Studies held in anthropological Triora (Imperia), on 22-24 October 2004. A few excerpts for your consideration:

"In archaic Carnevali, masks are the dead who return. Carnival is the ever recurring symbol of renovatio mundi metaphor of the alternation of life and death in nature and humans. Carnival dies (most often burned, but also hanged, shot, dismembered, dissected) to be reborn. The practice of ritual dismemberment of the body Carnival (grotesque body, as open and gutted) definitely connects the ancient custom of anatomy theater (attested for example in modern times to Rome, Florence, Pisa, Padua and Bologna), which involves allowing the audience on the last day of Carnival, to witness the dissection of a human cadaver, in an anatomical theater. But the performances in Carnival time were not uncommon, so much so that in Rome, even in the relatively marked, was used Thursday to kill the fat a person sentenced to death (and Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in Campo dei Fiori on Thursday Carnival of 1600). This link-Carnevali archaic rites of death is the basis of a series of processing symbolic and cultural practices on which it is perhaps not sufficiently investigated, but which belong to the realm of the sacred and magical with which traditional communities were seeking confrontation with the unknown and the supernatural. It is therefore not a coincidence that in several places within the Carnival archaic, if this demonstrates the presence, among the practices associated with the life cycle, the dirge (so Rueglio in Canavese, and Sapphire mountain Bagolino Brescia Mamoiada Ottana Barbagia in Sardinian, etc.) as a rite of reintegration and technique that secures the presence of risk does not exist in history. "

the same tone is also following the intervention of Paul in his door The Witch and the crucifix " Editions Castel Negrino:

" Nellla second half of February, at the critical output of winter, it was believed that the world was exposed to the onslaught of the living souls of the dead. It was said that pathetic mundus, the gate of hell, in other words, it was ajar, and went back with their darkest secrets of the dead. The Carnival would thus seem to fit within this tradition of rites of passage, most notably the masked figures and atavistic as the Salvan or inferred as Herlequin. An age in its rituals and symbols, but not in name, largely unknown in the folk world. For example, in France, the term Carnival was introduced in 1596, directly from Italian, and in villages north of the Alps, even in 70s of XX century, was used to indicate the masked winter with this exact name. Carnival is unknown in many dialects, while in many European countries, the festival was known by passing a particular term that sometimes remembered as personifying the date of the mask or the costume, so, for example, are known in European folklore the "jours de Pailhasses, Tchuddigs des, des Kurents, de la Capra, des Masques, the output of Mamuthones, etc ".

Harlequin and Columbine (Jean Antoine Watteau)

And always the intervention of Franco Castelli

"(...) Let us return then to the fundamental relationship with the afterlife. The larvae are male-male, spirits of ancestors, ancestors who are underground, like seeds. It follows that fertility, abundance, wealth can not be achieved without the mediation of the spirits and the underworld chthonic. Camporesi then cites a testament of Sier Carnival [2], the popular press Gobbo di Rialto, which dates back to the earliest seventeenth century, in which Messer Carnival said its extreme will, taking a seven witnesses loyal secretaries that meet the funny names Crack el, el Zogo, el Bagordo, Mattezzo el, el parcel, the Imbriaghezzo, el Strighezzo. Now, Strighezzo, Stregazzo, striazzo, Strazza, as well as picenale, Barlow, of course are all synonyms of sand. "

And here in our reflection comes into play - a very right! - Procession of the Lord, where live and dead participate in the dance without any distinctions: the living to "initiate" the secrets of death and win the favor of the underworld and the dead to enjoy the contact with that world that are leaving the course ... (Parade), the Lady of the Games is this sort of 'contact point', and the parades of Carnival is modeled on some features.

Returning Castles in what he writes and another thought:

"Carnival, Agricultural festival par excellence, is a magical moment suspended in time. What we would like to emphasize here is that this archaic concept of carnival as Antimondo, topsy-turvy world, belongs to a rich symbolic repertoire that becomes part of the construction of the stereotype of the sabbath, as Ginzburg has shown, it crystallizes just in the Alps West. What is its origin? From below, from the folkloric heritage of the witches, or from above, from ecclesial culture that establishes the equation paganitas = demonic? Or the result of two within a conflictus between folk culture and learned culture that is manifested and developed for more than three centuries, from one end of Europe. Because what the witches, writes Peter Burke, is one of the most striking examples of interaction between the classical tradition and popular. "

course I am for the second option, the question posed by Castelli. Consider the fact that often in one of Carnival costumes "interpreted" in a very burlesque is the man with the miter on his head (a sort of "dad") while in the public punishment of "witches" are often used to disguise, dress Masked and joke. Interactions. For better or worse. It is not said that common sense be deemed a 'good' rather than being the result of an inquisitorial culture that would be good to understand and then overcome.

The punishment of the witch - Grevenbroch

"In this context, it is easy to understand why, as pointed out by Ginzburg, is right in the carnival period (late winter, early spring) that, across Europe, reported cults, myths, rituals and shamanistic background, which he summarized in a map that divide them: ecstatic journeys in the wake of gods mostly female; battles in ecstasy, mainly for fertility, semi-bestial appearances during the 12 days, groups of young people dressed as animals, mainly during the 12 days, battles for fertility rituals, apparitions of dead people predestined to [*]. Moreover, the connection between Witchcraft and going masked is highlighted and reiterated linguistic survey on European names of the witch, in particular where the two terms of the romance, the Northern Italian type masca "witch" and the Provencal grimaou appear related to the concept of form. "

my A note: Note that there is another period of "magic" that runs over 12 days referred to as "magic" and that's what comes from Christmas to Epiphany, and even there the 'disguise' take on key roles.

Carnival as a contact point, then, and its importance is also given by the reminder of the fundamental function of all the rituals that are asserted in the 'moments of transition', particularly in the most delicate moment in the transition from the absolute or the summer, days delicate as seals of propitiatory magic and hope. And it is 'in moments of transition' that we know as "the moment stops and everything is possible ...

[*] Death and mourning ritual, Ernesto de Martino

texts cited:

Masca vel Stria: a symbolic system Alpine, Franco Castelli , reported in the Proceedings of the Fourth National Congress of Historical Studies held in anthropological Triora (Imperia), on 22-24 October 2004.
The Witch and the crucifix Paul's Gate, editions Castel Negrino
The country's hunger Piero Camporesi

Clip Art Newspaper And Slippers

The Ghosts of East Parade

. .. and they are men who are alive and who died, among them, those who died were beheaded or hanged a great shame and do not dare raise his head, according to the company " ... there is no exclusion, Indeed, the veil is lifting, the superstitious elements were demolished. E 'power to exorcise the East that death is what you look closely perfectly normal in the fulfillment of the natural cycle. The dead were killed by violence reluctance to appear, do not raise their heads, but neither are excluded. Everyone has to play with its specific characteristics.

What Wall Color Goes With Burgundy Carpet

Cosmic Ghosts

That the forms expressions and gestures that some cosmic take on and how to dress in our minds sometimes similarities of the Worlds Spirits ...

THE PHANTOM IRAS - Cloud star IRAS 05437 +2502
still can not figure out what lights up this cloud ... star

galaxy NGC 404: NGC 404 is a dwarf galaxy in the constellation Andromeda. Your point is strongly complicated by the presence of the bright star β Andromedae, which almost completely obscure (for this neighborhood, is often given the nickname
Ghost Mirach).

The Phantom of Mirach Ghosts ... ... Li called cold is the breath of what is already dissolved, or is blank ... and it is so cold because it comes from afar. Suspended in the air, it becomes shadowy reflection of what you still insist on believing the "real world" the only possible vision ... Mirach and Andromeda: What is the reality in which the border and the other?

What Can Be Used To Masterbate

The Ka of the deceased

"Thus, the fear of having negative manifestations on the part of the Ka of the dead, pushed the Egyptian tombs to provide all the comforts possible, be provided what the Ka might miss. It 'clear that the basic impulse of this budget was the funeral of the tomb owner's desire to continue the afterlife as smoothly. However, the impulse of fear, by survivors, played a far from secondary. In fact, in the tombs were placed not only the furniture and other objects belonging to the deceased, but even his most intimate items of clothing, so absolutely nothing of what had belonged to him and soaked him, to remain in the home of the living. For the same reason at Bandjun Africans and Indians of north america still burn their clothes and furniture of the deceased so that the purifying fire, and remove any residual impregnation, destroy the bond that could unite the spirit of the dead objects that bear his mark, thereby preventing each of his possible return. That this attitude is found among many peoples. An Indian, referring to the fear that the spirit of the deceased would return to the house inhabited by living, put it this way: "They have not yet burned his objects, his basket, his sheets, his clothes. All these things are calling, calling his shadow, his de'lamdzi.

(Adapted from: Egypt magical religious Boris de Rachewiltz)

What's The Best Engine For A Off Road Buggy

Over the World?

Sorry but I decided to move here at all Nyctea Documents currently available on the World Blog of the Beyond. It 'impossible for me to manage two blogs, I tried but I find it really difficult because it is a case in the risk of not paying due attention to the writings and comments. Over the next two days moving out here all the documents (including some of those who are on the page FB).

Thank you for your attention and good day.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Personal Statement Examples-dental Hygiene

Fukushima, 12:03:11

Cause there is nothing safe as long as we persist in building things like we were teenagers technology imbued with love for the only god Do not hesitate to crawl in front of which: money.

Why "live" empire as absolute masters without ever thinking of the consequences.

Because death (the one with the "m") is always pregnant with the rest of us fools and idiots prolific. For those who like a good friend of mine says, still blindly believe that this "Progress" will hold up to any environmental impact then ... except when certain "impacts a bit 'too strong' decapitated head of human arrogance ...

Friday, March 11, 2011

M Jak Miloscstreszczenia

remember - many years ago in the land of my father

In Part I
around barefoot

The old wooden bench painted green, in front of us the water lily pond, behind us the bougainvillea, skyscraper for butterflies from around the district. And what are you talking to me, hands wrinkled and white head, stick leaning against the bench. Indicate floor waving in the air, lost in thought, his hand withered by time, explain to me the intelligence of the earth that you have made. That you and Grandpa you compost
o. Your water lilies, your vegetable garden. The goblins nell'altanec square dance in the 'hanging by a thread' and go down ... down ... down in the water lily pond where my brother, in a corner, keep the slippery tadpoles. We are barefoot. Soil contamination. I hear you breathe and try to understand and that land is still non-contaminated, where the elves have nothing of "Satan", where no one has uncovered the ancient legends with virginal cloaks. Not here in the country. In the morning I take the notebook and writing, drawing, sitting on the old bench, calm in the heat of the cicadas ... Skřítek spiteful wanders around there, in the chiaroscuro of the sparse shade of the magic created Dall'Ora noon and at night ... be careful the ponds because of Vodnik, scaly creature, and his lust for Anime to seal in glass jars under water ... and very early morning, between the shimmering of flowers wet with dew, the Fairy reigns supreme ... and Vilà to survive need to understand that strange sweetness cruel.

Moravia. Many years ago, on the old bench in the garden fairy.

"In the villages and there was adjacent to noise and animation. Pasture came the sound of bagpipes and gardens, meadows and open countryside, echoing chants of young girls. But behold, it was noon, and all the voices fell silent, and deep silence surged the "fate of the afternoon." Wrapped in white cloth, like pale shadows passed to fly over the crops and the villages, bringing misery to children left unattended. Went out into the open the monstrous witch enormous head, with a different eye and the other did also see the beautiful nymphs of the woods, adorned with white robes, with their braided hair and gold crown on his head. The Czechs had a holy fear of the fairies and nymphs, which humans fall asleep and then made them squirt out the eyes from their sockets. They feared that even the wandering souls fluttered as blue flames above the marshes and swamps, the fear made them turn away from the lakes and marshes of the woods, where, in the shadow of the bushes and old trees, the genius of water spied wayfarers and the pale ripples all dressed in green lure them into death traps. But more than any other man aroused the fear of thunder and lightning, the Jupiter Slavic Perun, and without him the mighty forces of demons who emptied the human body, he broke bones and obscure reason ...

... was the most peaceful existence outside of the villages where the lands were under the protection of domestic gods and spirits of the ancestors, whose images were placed in the sacred house, next to the fireplace.

A mischievous dwarf, with small num clawed hands and feet, bring good fortune, while the genius of the house, although sometimes come to disturb the sleep, kept in a safe household goods, livestock and watched gave him fodder. And as long as the owner was old and sedentary, he was lying under the stove or behind the threshold, luck and prosperity did not abandon his home. And when the autumn leaves were falling thick and the fog descended on the fields and meadows where the soil is impregnated with frost and snow cloaked everything around, the whole family be gathered in the spacious central chamber made of beams, with low ceilings and taxes secure. The large stone fireplace radiated heat, the fire radiated light. Flares reddish flickered on the walls, lighting, leather shields, nets, bows, quivers in their wooden covers of sealskin, short swords, spears and heavy clubs of stone, while larger antlers or hanging on the walls of uro projected grotesque shadows in the room ... "

Alois Jirasek - Tales and Legends of the Golden Prague.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Milena Velba Milk Dvd 2004

Interactions Worlds
... crowds in the woods ...

Table of prime numbers less than 5000

"Explanation is not 'reduction to the familiar', Partly Because The familiar is Often not understood (rainbows, memory, the appeal of music) and Partly Because We May Understand the unfamiliar Perfectly well (even elements, the ideal gas , absolute zero) "
(Readings in the Philosophy of Science, Baruch A. Brody).

Sunday I went back into the woods, I enjoyed the first hint of the reversal of Season in that magical world of "fitness" for the very first lady bugs and goblins still cold and hidden in the trunks of the trees ... I thought of thousand worlds that surround us, the world itself in which I live is incomprehensible ... to most people, "alien", and then just fantastic ... I noticed the ladybug. My first of 2011!
7 dots blacks.
prime number.
And so, the landscape around me, I started to turn (to read) all in the language of the prime numbers, like this summer when my brother played with rackets by the pool and actions used to count the primes. We are mad, yes. And besides the looks of the people there confirmed it. I thought of the Riemann Landscapes, which comes from his "hypothesis" or better "guess" ... that according to which the prime numbers follow a certain 'regularity' in their repetition ... a world that we have not yet deciphered, a world - that of prime numbers - which we have not yet read all the keys. "Fortunately!" They would say government representatives custodians of encrypted secrets ... on the other hand is just a "nice Guy" this thing of the factorization of prime numbers factorization fast ... their gates open and implications (interaction) is completely new to blackmail would suffer from "large" in the world but they will not be revealed to their interpretations. At this thought walking in the woods. In that parallel world that he is there just a few steps but that has not yet been revealed. E ' a parallel world, a World Apart, we know it is there, is just a breath of wind but still had no access (to access it in "human time" I mean ... without losing a trillion years to calculate a feasible but unlikely to achieve without a mind of quantum mechanics). It will happen, maybe. Or maybe one day we will say that there is evidence that it is impossible to access it. Prestigious institutes of mathematics throughout the world have raffled -digit premium bucks for such a discovery. Surplus in the woods ... 2 branches that form a "Y", 3 mushrooms backing the branch of a tree, five branches of the first bud, 7 blacks spots of the ladybug ... 2,3,5,7,11, 13, 17, 19 ... .. 947, 953. ... Sooner or later it will be your end! There factoring! The Book of Revelation where everything becomes possible, "aberration" of the living that are mixed with the dead (after all the Schrödinger's cat paradox, to look at, well, well, not that we go that far away from this concept ...). And it's just like 'My World', but I'm one step away from a solution, I see behind the veils of the Beyond-World minimal and sometimes I grab bits of understanding, I progress in the compilation of my personal and complex algorithm, " I see beyond "and I talk about things that are mine, while not I am ... but I can not completely unravel the mystery of the paths in life and in death, the mystery of vanishing (but real!) quell'istmo of that standing there in the middle between life and death. Here, I'm there, somewhere between a world and another, I see the afterlife since I was born and perhaps, just as prime numbers, has not yet reached the time to fully understand all the mystery ... and perhaps not 'll never understand why someone would just explain to the end that 'there is no mystery' ... we have art that depicts the death penalty in all its forms, we have the music that tells of the afterlife, we have writers who tell us of other visionaries worlds, we Jung speaks of the land of the dead as well as of our unconscious, we have our own perceptions and insights ... but everything remains a mystery behind a thin veil.
I behold the first ladybug. "Marked" by 7. Prime number and magic number. It will bring good ...

"Even if we can prove the Riemann hypothesis, there are many other questions and speculations that await us at the gate, many exciting new areas of mathematics that are just waiting to take the proof of the hypothesis the scene. The solution will be only the beginning, the opening of a virgin territory, unexplored. To repeat the words of Andrew Wiles, the demonstration the Riemann hypothesis will allow us to orient ourselves in this world just as the solution to the problem of longitude helped the explorers of the eighteenth century to navigate the physical world. Until then, we must be content to listen to this music fascinated mathematics unpredictable, unable to control its performance. Prime numbers have always accompanied us in our exploration of the mathematical world, but remained the most enigmatic of the numbers. "
Marcus du Sautoy - The Enigma of prime numbers, the Riemann hypothesis, the greatest mystery of mathematics .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monster Energy Distribution Corona Ca

Lamium purpureum.


Gordian was a form of dazzling hue,
spotted crimson, gold, green and blue;
striped like a zebra, Spotted a mo 'leopard,
eyes like a peacock, and all crimson edged;
was sprinkled of silver moons, so that, when she breathed,
dissolve, or brighter shone, or their lights intertwined
others with darker embroidery. -
So with sides iridescent, beset by so much misery,
appeared together in atonement for a woman of the elves, the beautiful
of a demon or a demon himself.
on its crest it had a languid fire
sprinkled with stars, like Ariadne's tiara;
his head was serpent, but oh bitter sweetness!
ess'avea mouth of a woman, complete with all its pearls,
as the eyes and what else there poteano similar to eyes, if not
cry and cry, because they were born so beautiful?
As Proserpine still weeps for its aura de Sicania.
Her throat was serpent, but the words that she was saying
they came, as through bubbling honey, driven by love.
and such: - while Hermes on his own wings rested, as
hawk bows down ere seize upon his prey.

(John Keats)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Miralax With Gatorade

"give light to March" with the Mother of Wine

It's actually the end of February that I burn vines and leaves. It 's an old custom, to shed light on the path of Spring.
are dead branches of lives of "old garden" (I call it that), a Moscato d'Adda - this is its diversity - which for me is the Sumerian Goddess Lives. Took care of me and I poto, as well as I chose years ago ... and even if the old kitchen garden is not mine, "is it just me that I reach. So at the end of February for poto always "give light in March," forerunner of spring, like an old road with the 'fire in the margin' to show the way to summer. I call in March from the end of February and continues with the first days of Spring ... the wood is not that much, the screw is one and the fire that comes every night by his dead branches and a small fire in a ... fire that called good, now does not wait for more than the Equinox. And with the ashes of the branches of the Mother of wine that I like pouring the old man who goes, what remains of winter, with the new land of Spring ... and I do not need a pot to cook but I have prepared for days the leaves dried to power, for it be born and die right on the ground, though still damp. It is not true at all that "anything goes", it's just that in this case the old merges into the new, from the ashes of the Vine of life on Earth. Honestly, I'd let it grow fallow this screw without prune it, I always have a little 'fear when I' touch 'the Mother of Wine, with those branches twisted, beautiful, young. And wise. So wise so young that it seems rather old. Knots and twisted branches, the junctions of the Screw, and life ... she talks to me about everything he does turns very wide, my pre-visions that are realized on time but in a way that - sometimes - I would not have dared imagine, as if 'something' he enjoyed drawing sharp bends on roads straight ed'altronde that's how you learn things: the con-twist ... the twisted bones of the Mother of Wine. I've loved from the start, this plant, I saw the beginning el'invadenza intrusive (even the smallest invasion!) Usually bother me, then I saw writhe with Time, in my meager pruning but especially under the blades of the time ... Kronos, Saturn, which smooths and twists. He became a noble and old (permododidire 'old'). And now I am that I am almost afraid of her. Now (and only now!) But I have to burn it, at least a little '... a bit of' remains dry 'and a bit of' leftovers', I need to March, to "do Lume ...