Nyamilima yesterday and today
This article is a "Spartan" translation of a work of the POLE INSTITUTE May 2005. So it would be best to read the original at this address : http://www.pole-institute.org/site_web/echos/echogoma1.htm An interesting enough read to better understand the current situation. After I add the comments received that some points should be explored and discussed. I invite those who have children to do to have their say.
Wedged between the Virunga National Park and the Ugandan border, Nyamilima is a village that has more than 30,000 inhabitants. These are the descendants of workers from the territories of Rutshuru and Lubero and that they provided the labor economy of coffee plantations during the colonial period and after independence. The collapse of this economy of plantations has left behind him thousands of landless people who survive the nibbling of the peripheral lands of the Virunga National Park. When the Pole Institute has begun work in this village on the need for local leadership and a participatory democracy in a context of lack of status, the population of Nyamilima, was engaged in a struggle for land reclamation of part of the National Park for its survival. This local core leadership has been able to mobilize the population, to deal with political and administrative authorities and had some partial result when the services Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICN) has granted them a part of the park for their cultures. This dynamic of peaceful cohabitation of people of Nyamilima around the common interests of this village had a pilot laboratory for several development projects. The hospital's local Catholic mission run by a son of the region had managed to create "Centres de santé other small nearby Nyamilima so today is a rural area of \u200b\u200bSanta coordinating several projets de santé. The CREDAP (Committee for the Revival of Reflection Agro-pastoral), a platform driven by the Pole Institute, began in the village of micro-credits that experience has improved significantly the incomes of the population. The secondary school of the village is planted firmly in a direction and competent teachers. The Catholic mission in the village, which is the heart of the life of Nyamilima, is engaged in initiatives such as the management of public funds "pillage route" (as the Congolese call "toll") and some development projects. Since the armed gangs Mayi Mayi, Interahamwe and ex-FAR working in Virunga National Park, the population of Nyamilima farming on the outskirts of the park is hard to stock up on food. The armed bands draw on the fields of farmers to their liking, they hunt and kill them when they dare to go to the fields. In one village, famous for his time its culture of coffee and corn, the population struggles to feed and is constantly threatened by famine. In this context of poverty, the jobs paid at the local hospital, primary school and secondary education, and new spaces are now at the Catholic mission of competition between the Hutu and the Nande that the current political climate nourishes and handling. The rebellion began in the east of the DRC has seen the exit on the political and military Banyarwanda - Hutu and Tutsi confused - in the exercise of local power, territorial and provincial levels. At the time of a meeting Polo Institute was held in March 2004 with the local core of Nyamilima, the core members of the Nande dell'ethnie expressed their frustration to see that all places of power are in the hands of Hutu only. The exercise of local power and territorial by Hutu in the region of Rutshuru was not new in this Chefferie of Bwisha under the control of Hutu Daniele Mwami Ndeze since the 1920's. The novelty in the conquest of the power of Banyarwanda was pouting especially at provincial and national level from their climb of the AFDL Laurent Kabila and the RCD / Goma. The Birth of a local Mayi Mayi militia commanded by Jackson, Nande ethnicity, was collected by his group as a response to their frustrations. Weak militarily to meet the army of 'RCD backed by Rwanda until October 2002, the Mayi Mayi Jackson had forged an alliance with the Interahamwe economic and Rwandan ex-FAR. These two gangs have divided the common objectives in the past and still hold some joint actions when necessary condition also living in two separate headquarters, the ex-FAR and Interahamwe in the area of \u200b\u200bbuses and the Mayi Mayi in Jackson Park front Nyamilima. The process of reunification of the country generated the agreements of Sun City and the establishment of a transitional government was welcomed by the people in North Kivu Banyarwanda not as a return to public affairs. For good number of them, the field of homeland embodied by the central government in Kinshasa would free them from the yoke of Banyarwanda who occupy the political space and military in the province of North Kivu. The opposition between Hutu and NAND Nyamilima and the surrounding villages come under this local political context exacerbated by a transition stranded, unable to live up to hopes raised. The war of Kanyabayonga in December 2004, was preceded in Chefferie Binz, on a number of assassinations and acts of retaliation between the Hutu and Mayi Mayi Nande perpetrated by Jackson and the military 's RCD / Goma conflict. The sending of ten thousand soldiers from the east of Kinshasa 'in DRC in December 2005 was perceived and experienced by the Mayi Mayi Jackson as an opportunity to throw out the Banyarwanda Chefferie Binz. After the failure of Kanyabayonga, Jackson and his Mayi Mayi ask now that the Banyarwanda withdrawing from the area between the borders with Uganda to the river of Ishasha Ngwenda which marks the boundary between the groupings and to Binza Bukoma. This claim is unacceptable in the eyes of the Hutu who consider the territory of Rutshuru their original cultural and political space and that it is possible that the Nande descendants of the first inhabitants of the territory of Lubero, excluding them from grouping of Binz. The tension mounts and the approaching election is likely to set fire to the powder. It is in this context of growing tension in Nyamilima, the opposition between Hutu and Nande who said the murder weapon white Barayo Michel. Since the time of the mutual ethnicistes "Skinny" for Hutus and "Kyahanda" for the Nande year 1980, Michel Barayo was perceived as a leader of the Hutu leadership that he also claimed. Communication between Mayi Mayi and Interahamwe in the National Park and their information network in the village is made possible by two towers and Vodacom SuperCell located on the hill above the Nyamilima. This efficiency in information, made possible by new cell technology has sown fear among the population. Disputes and conflicts of interest in the village are retransmitted by the mobile gangs installed in the National Park which, in turn, are to do justice with summary executions. Modernity, globalization has its advantages and disadvantages and the populations of the spiral Nyamilima fear of violence that took a hairpin ethnic group and qualifying for the mobile phone. In the village of Buramba near Nyamilima and now almost deserted, the contrast between the Mayi Mayi and ex-ANC soldiers of the RCD / Goma has made a dozen civilian deaths in December 2004. The worst is not to exclude, and you wonder how you could avoid it. "An interesting question! Meanwhile, developments have been many; The policy has worked, MONUC this until recently, even in Nyamilima and worked as someone said civil service of the UN: "... turn the clock running, but not seen, and the story takes its course." He meant that sooner or later you will see results. In the meantime, however, when we dare to say that it is Peace broke things fall again. In November last year, just when I was in the Nyamilima May May and handed it already gave to the problem solved. Life was raging and there was no security problem. Responsible for UN human rights of women and children attended the mission and talked with people and institutions. To me it seemed that we were already in a phase of reconstruction and the war behind. Immediately after the issue exploded again and then the Interahamwe facts of Rutshuru. In the next post updates on the situation.
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