I can not put to exterminate the Ailanthus, which are in public places, I have too much respect for the common good, so start with alerts to the proper authorities. In this case, the alderman for public parks in Turin, as examples abound of Ailanthus on the embankments of the underpass at the Lingotto ... we'll see if there will be an answer.
Dear City of Turin - Department of Public Green
Subject: Reporting spread invasive shrub - Ailanthus altissima
hereby are to share with you my concern about the presence of specimens of Ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima) on the embankments of the subway at the Lingotto, this deciduous species has now put forward his particular crown.
we can see that the presence of these trees in these mounds is a source of coverage of certain signs of road signs of the underpass, Besides being a potential threat to motorists and dangerous for the plant area.
This species is universally recognized as a pest and harmful to the urban environment because of the strength of its roots and its extreme adaptability, so that some samples sprout and grow in cracks in the sidewalk of Via Nizza as common herbaceous weeds.
addition to this, is a threat to the local ecosystem as readily displaces other species due to allopathic toxins emitted from its roots - as well as from the bark - and the rapid growth that soon led him ahead in the competition for solar radiation .
It is also noted that despite the resistance of the roots, the trunk is rather exposed to breakage if such is requested by summer storms.
I therefore urge a careful elimination of these specimens, which are also found on Corso Moncalieri Princess Isabella at the bridge: the removal must be done carefully with the complete removal of the roots of each plant, as the only cut the trunk leads to a rapid regrowth of shoots from the incredibly fast growth.
For more information, visit the project details DAISIE promoted by the European Commission, reflecting the fact that the problem is felt at the international level: http://www.europe-aliens.org/speciesFactsheet.do ? speciesId = 16970 # and there are many areas in which Italy has long fought against this pest.
I look forward to your kind reply,
Alessandro Piovano
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