Wednesday, May 12, 2010

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At the "Reading Week" from 17-23 May , Remondo Primary School has created a small project called "bookworms" involving pupils in all classes.

By Decree of the Council of Ministers on July 15, 2009 the March 24 of each year was designated as the day dedicated to the promotion of reading. To this end, the text reads, "the government will organize to raise awareness of the citizens, especially younger people, the themes of reading and book promotion and enhancement of "
The Regional Education Office and the Directorate General for Education, have urged the educational and training institutions to spend within autonomy of educational organization, the week from 17 to 23 May 2010, specific initiatives to promote reading.

If you want to read the full text click on "Reading Week 2010"

A child who reads
(Angelo Petrosino)
A child who reads
forget the feet,
has shards of light in
burning eyes.

A child who reads is a child who goes away without anyone

him hold your hand.

From our "bookworms" the funny video for the song
"The mouse with glasses"


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