Monday, September 20, 2010

Denise Milani Goes Hardcore

seawatching 2010

Also this year, the Marine Protected Area of \u200b\u200bCinque Terre National Park, were held courses "Seawatching for everyone." activity, as described in the press the Park's website, is patrol in the seabed from the surface, using only a mask and snorkel (snorkeling) and summer wetsuits provided by the organization. Participants will be followed by expert operators that, starting from the nearest shoreline or from boats empowered, they will discover the riches of the seabed of the Cinque Terre. For some time, these meetings will also coincide with the monitoring of the seabed.
Reserved for juniors and adults, meetings were held on various dates during the summer, I've participated in two meetings on 28 and August 29 operated by two operators of the park as well as biologists headed all'Univesità of Pavia. The first output - after the briefing in Riomaggiore - Manarola was planned in the cave at the tip Buonfiglio (photo top). The unfavorable weather and sea conditions prevented us from entering the water and then the activity, after an interesting lesson in marine biology, continued with a survey of the organisms in the supralittoral of the site. We made another attempt this afternoon to
Monterosso but had no better luck.
The next day appointment to Vernazza, where (with the help of the benign conditions of the sea) we dived for an interesting survey of the flora on the rocks (submerged or not) and of fish.
E 'was interesting to have discovered the presence of this or that race may be a sign of health or illness of a given environment, in this case, ocean. After exiting the water, the final briefing with delivery of certificates of attendance, and sincerely desire to keep in touch and we can meet maybe next year.


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