Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Harcore Kates Playground


Liguria is the lovely land.
The burning stone, clay clean
s'avvivano of vine leaves in the sun.
is the giant olive. A spring ephemeral
belong anywhere mimosa.
Shadow and sun alternated
those funds
valleys that lie to the sea, the streets paved

going up through fields of roses,
wells and land split, along
closed farms and vineyards. In
quell'arida land on the sun strip
stones like a serpent.
Sea on certain days
is a flower garden. Reca
post on the wind.
Venus returns to the gusts of the mistral
or Church of Liguria, as ships
ready to be launched! O
open to wind and wave
Ligurian cemeteries! A pink color will

sadness when the evening, like a flower
rotting, the great light
SFAC you go and die.
Vincenzo Cardarelli


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