Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fluro Pink Metal Core Wheels

Wind Speed \u200b\u200b- Beaufort Scale

The wind speed is measured with the ' anemometer and is expressed in km / h. Is described by "Beaufort scale" (table below), which is named after the British Francis Beaufort.

able speed (km / h) type of wind
speed (knots )
characters speed (m / s)
0 0-1 calm 0-1 smoking ascends Vertically, the sea is a mirror. \u0026lt;0.3
1 01 to 05 puff of wind 1-3 the wind deflects the smoke ripples. 0.3 - 1.5
2 06 to 11 breeze 4-6 the leaves move, so small but obvious. 1.6 - 3.3
3 12 to 19 breeze 70-10 leaves and twigs constantly agitated, small waves, crests begin to break. 32
4 20 to 28 lively breeze 11 to 16 the wind raises dust, leaves, branches are shaken, small waves become longer. 5.5 - 7.9
5 29 to 38 stiff breeze 17 to 21 range shrubs with leaves are formed in small waves inland waters; lengthened moderate waves. 8 - 10.7
6 39 to 49 fresh wind 22 to 27 great churned, wheezing between the telegraph wires, are formed waves with crests of white foam, and splashing. 10.8 - 13.8
7 50 to 61 winds 28 to 33 whole trees shaken, difficulty walking against the wind, the sea is rough, the foam begins to being frayed in wakes. 13.9 - 17.1
8 62 to 74 moderate gale 34 to 40 broken branches, it is impossible to walk against the wind, waves of medium height and more, from the ridges are detached eddies ; of projections. 17.2 - 20.7
9 75 to 88 strong gale 41 to 47 removed fireplaces and tiles, big waves, thick trails of foam and spray, raised by the wind, reduce visibility. 20.8 - 24.4
10 89 to 102 storm 48 to 55 rare on land, uprooted trees, severe damage to homes, huge waves with long ridges plume. 24.5 - 28.4
11 103-117 storm 56 to 63 rare, very severe devastation, huge waves and high, which may hide ships of medium tonnage, reduced visibility. 28.5 - 32.6
12 over 118 Hurricane 64 destruction of buildings, artifacts, etc. In the sea foam and spray reduce the visibility much. > 32.6


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