Saturday, January 8, 2011

Linsey Dawn Wordpress

The people want to sea. We are going through a terrible winter. Rain, snow and cold and even floods. The evenings pass in front of a hot beverage local and / or alcoholic or at home watching television. Do you understand that people want to sea from the speeches he does, more and more longed. Some have already spoken of the boat and maintenance, are beginning to peek machine prices underwater photography, diving equipment. It would be enough a piece of the sun or a walk on the beach, but the desire never vanished while rooms on the beach, rocks, salt water and beach towels with the scent of salty even after 10 washes. The mind travels on a boat to the islands, traveling on their own senses and make us feel fragrances of Mediterranean vegetation, thyme and lemon, make us feel the taste of anchovies of Monterosso in the middle of the bread. We must wait, the Winter is long and will still talk about himself. But we have patience to spare.


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