Monday, November 8, 2010

How Do You Make A Jack Off Toy

jelly Framura

publish the photo of a jellyfish that I crossed (August 2005) by snorkeling in the mirror in front of the station Framura.

It 's a Cotylorhiza tuberculata, a species non-irritating and harmless to humans (but not touch it!) Located in the Mediterranean. It is defined as one of the most beautiful jellyfish the Mediterranean and the umbrella can also measure 30 cm.

thank Dr. Dario Savini university of Pavia.
For more info:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

When A Scorpio Man Feels

I discovered by chance passing in the hills of Castelnuovo Magra.
A road that stretches out from the junction for up to one of the street Caprignano Montefrancio, a road which offers a fantastic view of the sea and the mouth of the Magra and the old town of Castelnuovo. Olive groves, vineyards, hills and sea. A summary of the Far East of Liguria. Along the way, in addition to benches, a couple of placards bearing writings of the poet and writer Paolo Bertolani Castelnuovo Maurizio Maggiani. In a nutshell version of the hilly road to the Cinque Terre of Love, with whom the way of harmony is twinned.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Is The Appropriate Absorbent For Tampon

Seafuture The way of harmony in the spice

begins October 13th the second international exhibition entirely dedicated to innovations related to the sea. The festival will last until October 15 will provide an opportunity to initiate different types of collaboration between the various participants (university / industry / research), to achieve goals of excellence both nationally and internationally.
The event is at the top of the events in this area, with numerous opportunities for thematic analysis, technical seminars and conferences, as well as round tables that will serve to take stock of the situation with issues of institutional and technical-scientific riguardandanti sector. Read more

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Harcore Kates Playground


Liguria is the lovely land.
The burning stone, clay clean
s'avvivano of vine leaves in the sun.
is the giant olive. A spring ephemeral
belong anywhere mimosa.
Shadow and sun alternated
those funds
valleys that lie to the sea, the streets paved

going up through fields of roses,
wells and land split, along
closed farms and vineyards. In
quell'arida land on the sun strip
stones like a serpent.
Sea on certain days
is a flower garden. Reca
post on the wind.
Venus returns to the gusts of the mistral
or Church of Liguria, as ships
ready to be launched! O
open to wind and wave
Ligurian cemeteries! A pink color will

sadness when the evening, like a flower
rotting, the great light
SFAC you go and die.
Vincenzo Cardarelli

Can I Use Krustease For Bisquick?

sunset on the gulf of poets

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Confettis Harley Davidson


One day intent to show a friend from Vernazza " from outside, "we reach - starting dall'attracco the boat - to the train station. I tried to explain to the incredulous friend that this was the "little station" Vernazza inserted in the more important railway line Genoa-Pisa, but I had to convince lead from the front of the board times and show the departures and arrivals of trains. It 'very hard to see how small stations of the Cinque Terre may be involved in a more complex rail network, but this is precisely their appeal. Small stations (now host of offices and information points "Park") obtained from a tunnel and the other trains that stop in tunnels and walkways that resemble those of a subway, breathtaking views and a tunnel between each other. Due to the morphological location of the five villages that make up the Cinque Terre and the difficulty (or inability to get there) by car, the rail becomes vital for the movement of tourists and residents. The railroad Cinque Terre born around 1860 when the planned naval dockyards of La Spezia. The construction of the Arsenal break (created by Cavour and built by Domenico Chiodo) requires the construction of an infrastructure (the railroad fact) that can connect any east Liguria. The sites are open and hundreds of workers get to work often in conditions of objective difficulties. This rail needs repairs to the limits of the impossible as tunnels excavated using explosives or materials arrived by sea and sorted Mule. The work will last 14 years but the Cinque Terre and many other villages of the east coast of are now more accessible. We have to wait several more years before we have the so-called "local trains" that ply between a small station and the other, and which are so coveted for Lesser displacements mainly tourists. A real light rail station which belongs to La Spezia Centrale. Over the years the railway has undergone various alterations and shifts. If, for obvious problems of space to the Cinque Terre the railway center has remained so, in other riparian countries has been set back inwards. She points Bonassola, Levanto and - in the province of Genoa - Moneglia. These changes are clearly visible as they are being left in the old ballast on the front of the sea with their stone walls of local dark gray to green again cut the old fishing villages. These old roadbeds are now used for parking, while the old stations are full of shops, services, or public offices. Separate mention for the old disused tunnels. I had the opportunity to explore - only for a short initial section - the old unused tunnel that leads to Bonassola Framura (pictured above right), while that linking Bonassola Levanto has recently been renovated and turned into a bike path. Abandoned or recovered the old disused railway tunnels stretch values \u200b\u200bare witnesses of the past that have a special charm.

wall tunnel between Riomaggiore and Framura

Monday, September 20, 2010

Denise Milani Goes Hardcore

seawatching 2010

Also this year, the Marine Protected Area of \u200b\u200bCinque Terre National Park, were held courses "Seawatching for everyone." activity, as described in the press the Park's website, is patrol in the seabed from the surface, using only a mask and snorkel (snorkeling) and summer wetsuits provided by the organization. Participants will be followed by expert operators that, starting from the nearest shoreline or from boats empowered, they will discover the riches of the seabed of the Cinque Terre. For some time, these meetings will also coincide with the monitoring of the seabed.
Reserved for juniors and adults, meetings were held on various dates during the summer, I've participated in two meetings on 28 and August 29 operated by two operators of the park as well as biologists headed all'Univesità of Pavia. The first output - after the briefing in Riomaggiore - Manarola was planned in the cave at the tip Buonfiglio (photo top). The unfavorable weather and sea conditions prevented us from entering the water and then the activity, after an interesting lesson in marine biology, continued with a survey of the organisms in the supralittoral of the site. We made another attempt this afternoon to
Monterosso but had no better luck.
The next day appointment to Vernazza, where (with the help of the benign conditions of the sea) we dived for an interesting survey of the flora on the rocks (submerged or not) and of fish.
E 'was interesting to have discovered the presence of this or that race may be a sign of health or illness of a given environment, in this case, ocean. After exiting the water, the final briefing with delivery of certificates of attendance, and sincerely desire to keep in touch and we can meet maybe next year.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Penthouse Readings Online

ilmiomare why?

Why Summer sea means, heat, smells and colors. Why do I tuffarmici in, swim and enjoy the relaxing benefits of salt water. Because I like to immerse myself and see what's underneath. For all that's behind it: Cities, towns, railroads, roads, hills as well .... rivers. Because there is always a feast or a festival to attend. I am a lover of the sea around the world, but that of my country in particular, where I spent - and continue to go - my life.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Honeyxhoney Drops Manga Finale

As2010/2011 Start - End Publications Blog

the new school year begins and ends in my experience on this blog ...

... but I always smile!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bracelets You Can Engrave

Food Stamps Fine as2010/11


From September it will change the purchase of meal tickets:

"From next academic year 2010/11 will change the management system of food stamps for school meals. No more paper blocks, but each student will be assigned a personal badge with which to make reservations for meals and on which charge amounts to meet the cost of meals.
For elementary and middle schools in case the badge will be given to the school ... "

to find out more visit the website of

City Gambolò

Friday, June 11, 2010

John Deere Throttle Cable

teaching - school closing for summer reading

Please note that the June 18 at 16:30 we will be delivering the report forms.
If you are unable to collect the assessment document on the date of June 18, you can do in the days after the secretary dell'ICRobecchi ( Garibaldi 18 Gambolò) during the opening hours to the public.

A special greeting to the students of Class V who have completed their course in Primary School:
Simone, Gabriel, Marika, Alessandra, Luca, Daniele, Serena, Irene, Edoardo, Matteo, Samuele e Sara.

Be the best of whatever you are

If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley — but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make;
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass —
But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here,
There's big work to do, and there's lesser to do,
And the task you must do is the near.

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail —
Be the best of whatever you are!

...sii il meglio

Se non puoi essere un pine on the hilltop,
Be a shrub in the valley, but always be the best
small bush next to the stream;
if you can not be Be tree bush.

And if you can not be bush, be grass
and how you can beautify the highway;
if you can not be moss, Be seaweed
but the prettiest of the algae pond.

We can not all the commander,
otherwise the crew who does?

There is something for everyone.
There are jobs large and others less
and each must choose the most suitable.

If no way you can be, be the path,
if you can not be alone, be a star;
win or lose
has nothing to do with greatness.
But you have to be better than we are.

Douglas Malloch

The school will resume teaching on September 13 .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Free Virtual Wedding Dresses Try On

At the "Reading Week" from 17-23 May , Remondo Primary School has created a small project called "bookworms" involving pupils in all classes.

By Decree of the Council of Ministers on July 15, 2009 the March 24 of each year was designated as the day dedicated to the promotion of reading. To this end, the text reads, "the government will organize to raise awareness of the citizens, especially younger people, the themes of reading and book promotion and enhancement of "
The Regional Education Office and the Directorate General for Education, have urged the educational and training institutions to spend within autonomy of educational organization, the week from 17 to 23 May 2010, specific initiatives to promote reading.

If you want to read the full text click on "Reading Week 2010"

A child who reads
(Angelo Petrosino)
A child who reads
forget the feet,
has shards of light in
burning eyes.

A child who reads is a child who goes away without anyone

him hold your hand.

From our "bookworms" the funny video for the song
"The mouse with glasses"

Monday, May 10, 2010

Need To Renew License Ohio Have Warrant

Week Meeting with the National Week of

The meeting with parents will be held Friday, May 14 at 18:00 pm 19:00 and assembly procedures will be in class.
The interviews will be made on the day of delivery of the cards.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Does Maalox Make Poop Black

parents' trip to Rome Astronomy

At the
"XI National Astronomy Week, 19 to 23 April 2010"
( if you want, go to the link on the text above) we decided to propose to the fifth class pupils and their families, direct observation of the sky that could not be effected during the month of novembre.Questo it seems the best way to end the fifth class science project, we carried on with enthusiasm and participation throughout the first quarter.

The appointment is the day April 21 (Wednesday) with the experts of astronomy ' AVDA Vigevano that provide us with their superb instruments.
(Who owns a personal telescope, however, can take it)

The venue will be the square in front of the School of Gambolò, at 20.30-21.00 assigned an observation post near Stratford.
space for parking is limited, is strongly recommended to reduce the number of cars and join a mate.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Heritage Infusio Cookware Reviews

Pupils in fifth Irene , Edward and Simone, accompanied by teacher Patricia , will leave tomorrow morning for the usual ( for classes fifth ) school trip to Rome. Our "Fantastic 4" , of \u200b\u200bcourse, will be aggregated at the group of students and teachers of the classes Gambolò, all guided and supervised by their legendary manager.
good trip and fun to discover one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

Monday, March 29, 2010

4 Friends Picnik Quotes

Happy Easter
Joyeuses flirting Frohe Ostern Happy Easter
Happy Easter Kalos Paska Zalig Country feest
Schastilvoi Paschi
Srecan Uskrs Jade Pask Sretan Uskrs
fraylekhn A Passover pasta fericit Felices Pascuas
Vesele Velikonoce

Origins and meanings of Easter

The word Easter, greek and latin "pascha" comes Aramaic: pasha, which corresponds to the Hebrew Passover, whose generic meaning is "passed over". The actual meaning of the word is not entirely certain.
A group of Fathers of the Church of Asian origin (including Tertullian, Hippolytus, Irenaeus) connect the word pascha pàschein the greek word which means to suffer. Although the etymology of the word is incorrect, in that situation are caught the intrinsic meanings of the Passover sacrifice and salvation. For more exact etymology of the word must have recourse to Origen and the Alexandrian, who intend to sense as "passing."
In this case, the change is through the Red Sea from slavery to the Promised Land, then the vice of sin to the freedom of salvation through the cleansing of baptism. Applied to Christ, etymology suggests that the transition from land to His Father.
Easter is, in fact, the most important liturgical feast for Christianity.
Easter represents and celebrates the three fundamental moments of Christianity: the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. It presents itself as the core of liturgical and theological heritage of Christianity.
In addition, that Easter is the link with the Jewish matrix of Christianity and the time same, the moment of liberation from the matrix. The Christian holiday is taken from the celebration of the liberation of the people of Moses from slavery in Egypt, celebrated on the occasion of the first full moon after the
quinozio spring. (from the site

Watch the video "History of Passover"

Happy Easter to the tune of this song by Renato Carosone, fun, even if a little 'retro

Easter in the world

The Nordic countries welcome the Easter also celebrating the arrival of spring. In Sweden and Finland Palm Sunday are blessed with branches of white poplar buds. Of medieval origin and the ritual that children make the week before Easter: dress up as witches and distribute their letters in exchange for candy. Food typical of the Easter holidays in Finland is the "Pasha" made with cheese and "Mama", a pudding of rye.

In Sweden eat colored eggs. In Denmark the houses are decorated with flowering branches and painted eggs, Easter Sunday the whole family gathers for a cold buffet and the children are given a chocolate bunny.

The church bells in France remain silent until the Good Friday as a sign of grief for Jesus Crucified. The children are told that they fly away and then return to Rome on Sunday of Easter. When the bell ring children begin searching for chocolate eggs hidden by parents before the festivities.

Easter fires burned pieces of wood by hand or with a large lens is a custom in Germany. In Germany, in fact, is the flame of the "sacred fire" as the Easter tradition, while the ashes are scattered in the gardens of farmers, are propitious omen for the harvest. Sweets and traditional dishes of the feast are the lamb and the egg of chocolate donated to children a bunny named "Osterhase.

The Greece celebrating Easter rituals greek-orthodox: the faithful to church lights a candle that will bring with him at home. On the occasion of the Easter tradition is to eat candy, Easter bread, eggs colored and "Marghiritsa," a traditional Easter soup made with lamb.

In England during the Easter holidays are directed special attention to people in need: the poor are donated to the tenders and the elderly are helped in the washing of feet. The traditional cake is represented by the "hot cross buns" small pastries made with raisins and cinnamon and decorated with a cross made of icing to remember the passion of Christ.

In Israel celebrates two events: the Christian Easter and the Jewish holiday of "Passah. During Holy Week processions are held and through the various stages of the life of the Cross. The Jewish feast of "Passah" begins the Thursday before Easter and remember the exodus of the Jews in Egypt and has a duration of seven days.

News written above are "taken" from the network, please enter any comments or corrections.

And to conclude this post, full as an egg, a final video