Thursday, February 10, 2011

2820 Fuser User Replaceable

Mothoth, darkness, shadows and Vista

... realizing. See. Act. Suffer. rejoice ...

"Alchemists crazy, not knowing how well they, does it mean that Chelidonia hirondinaria is called donum caeli. In that ruling trusting often preach extricate herself from this plant a certain quintessence gioevole admirably ... for the life of mankind in different diseases dangerous ... "
(Pietro Mattioli, Herbalist, XVI century)

"Look, Among! The Celandine "

" You're right Al, that's wild, wonderful! It 'a plant alchemy ... "

" Ok, now what? "

(Francesca and her best friend, Alexandra, 23 May 2010, rising to walk in Val d'Otro)

Celandine, May 2010, when the Moon changed from Virgin to Libra Ascendant
avvevo I wrote HERE

The Celandine, Mothoth - especially that found in the wild - when it remains light in the dark. Some said, "Gift of Heaven" ( " Alchemists crazy, not knowing how well they, does it mean that Chelidonia hirondinaria is called donum caeli ..." Pietro Mattioli) , while others Chelidon, Intelligence, or winged Swallow ... "form the Spring" at the very end of March, when its flowers open. The swallows are used to collect the flowers and the flowers are Spring when the darkness is about to end, an explosion of solar intelligence. Alchemical plant par excellence. But remember that the most powerful example is found wild in degl'incolti between them, alongside the old wooden gate, near the stone walls scorched by the sun. Poisonous drugs and saving at the same time. But his power is not in the care of physically and here I want to talk, I would rather tell the legend that tells of the swallows that would collect and poserebbero eyes of their newborn children to help them hatch. To help the view. Even Galen quoted the virtues eye: " juice to sharpen the view is very convenient." And I'm particularly set out in that period with all the plants and stones that are good for eyesight. Why this thing should be read giving it a more "high". Vista-eye-view of the Beyond. The Cornflower such acts on the eyes, in every sense, even on "other eyes" . On the Vista, one that goes beyond ... But Celandine, compared with Cornflower, open the View and simultaneously opens a new path, a new life, new beginnings.

Intelligence initiation therefore, representative of a new Vista - and new life - the children of the Swallows new Spring. It 'so potent Celandine. And I feel so in this period, fifty days from its first flowering, when you focus on all waiting for the sun itself, because they are related to those Intelligences plant that apply to the "psychic sight" as they are grateful to the Regency Angelica, acting in the first days of January, focuses on opening up all of the eyes (the veils that fall on the Truth and that becomes visible) ... "Visiting the Worlds" or "I dream of them" is not something to be taken lightly. There are three Intelligences tying to me (which I keep with me, even physically) especially in cases where the loss should be strong: 's Wort , collected in a very special moment, be blessed her bouquet and her rancid oil with which - only in certain special occasions - anoint my hair ( eh, yes, even pervert the nose, ladies and gentlemen ... but 'it will go dreams is all that and not just what we like, and you also feel that the hypericum penetrates into the hair, in the "braids"), then the 'Achillea that rigorously gather in the mountains and of which I will not speak here because it is too expensive ... and finally Celidonia . Hypericum and Celandine marry the Sun, are really when you have two headlights "look good" or when the path is lost. And when you do not see anything and the path is dark what do you do? Studying with the "Exorcist" I learned to score on all notebooks, especially my physical states, because when something "press from the inside" signals are conducted at the end and physically able to "see" ... not just release the wheel The Hanged Man Sincronie free and run towards you, revealing all their meanings and binding to your Sincronie past. Investigation of Thin plans, things that people do not usually see. It usually happens because they "do not want to see" or has the courage to see. Humanity that gropes - happily? - In the dark so as not to question. Unhappy. Unhappy humanity, literally happy uniform of his own gifts of perception. The sadness of Saturn, the real sadness noble and wise, but is usually avoided, it does not seem to be a thing of the vulgate is happy to remain "vulgate". But it is only when You realize, then see and act accordingly (assuming all the risks involved and accept the suffering dele blades of Saturn, the Great Evil) that you can advance to the universe and you make immediately available to all its abundance. Really, really. This part of the Universe that we had to the privilege of living, always forward and nail is not part of its structure, a mechanism is not clearly covered. At a time when "you nail" the Universe will forgive you anything, and, indeed, come to blows, and so what they would like from the inside will make you hurt constantly without you can identify why, letting you spend unnecessary time and resources: nightmares applicants were physically and mentally impaired, humor ... no rules when this happens we should ask ourselves: "What I would like to be in and I can not see? What should I see?". Why is the Universe (I call it!) And press (who struggle with your own eggregore negative) so that you realize and can to change your situation. By accepting the suffering and Nigredo, of course. But in any case the reward will be infinitely greater than any momentary pain.
realizing. See
Based on this you will understand that most of the time we are only ourselves to procure hurt us "affatturiamo" alone. Yes, of course, in these months I have seen real "Mazzini" operated on by other people (and wax hair sewn into the mattress, radionics circuits strange ...) and these cases are "professionals" and I died Swabian, I know only two people - a man and a woman - who can operate on these things (to melt), I peronalmente not you put me there again, at least until I finish a particular work / study. It takes humility. Otherwise, even here, there's strong blows. Anyway, yes, these things (bad things) exist but we must realize that most of the time we ourselves hurt us stuck in the most absurd situations while on the outside there is already revealed the mechanism of our Liberation. We must be good at it! And 'why when I asked for a "reading of the Lame" I'll explain very well that the first thing, the most important, it will be for me to look at "your present" and not so much the future, because the future is that you build TU triggered when the mechanism of "seeing." In the movie The Gift you see this thing very well, for example, when the friend of the protagonist, after countless rounds of cards "empty" (but are never empty!) Realizes what his true problem ... and so is her friend who does not notice (although physically it is clear, because of the barrel) the problem of having an abusive husband and bad (how often such cases have occurred to me, women who they do not want to see and I really hope that some day I read !)... and when you realize you must be right and that the action is perfectly calibrated. Above all, implementation. It is not easy, does not hold all the anger and despair that bring with them the first moments of a free but you must groped, trying. As a reward we will have the freedom of being and thinking ... instead of a life lived in "fear" in the "do not say," do not "...
I'm working as the investigation relating to mood swings (not mine in particular, actually watch those falling in the reflection of all ... even my reaction), changes in body temperature, injections, shadows and paresthesia stages of sleep-wake cycle. Sometimes people tell me these "shadows", the "invisible" to move objects, objects that just disappear or go back and ... of the cask. Yes, because it is rare but we hear that as well. Investigations are lengthy. First, years ago, I was much more open-minded. Then I saw and heard some things and so I stopped taking it lightly. Serene smile, yes, but we do not laugh at MAI. In general I do not like all those sites that have proliferated in recent years where he describes how to compose "amulets of protection," such as reciting formulas do not know the meaning, cults and rituals even mix of all the countries so far ... security we seek is all around us. Here, in our woods, rough stones. The "stone with a hole portaforuna. Nell'Achillea I gather in the mountains but that abounds everywhere and Also you can easily find ... but this protection and the aid we hear, look for them, to walk around, picking ourselves some intelligence, relating to them, blending them with our blood and lymph rejecting all the "ritual" of plastic ...
There was a time, about three months ago, I woke up breathless, I just could not breathe. I thought he came into contact with "something to someone else", something that concerned me (because obviously there is a tendency to immediately exclude the "own affairs", precisely because the negative eggregore we ourselves have created "not wants" we realize) ... and instead I was wrong, it was something my own. Something pressed from the inside because I could escape from a dangerous situation and it was ... at the right time have combined with the intelligence of Hypericum, Achillea and Celandine (and Saponaria this time, but only because I had the full collection of Capricorn this summer) and the final blow came from the Regency to "open view". Everything fit perfectly, but only because I have "recognized the moment" and have done - unwittingly? - A specific act of salvation, but all this was possible because the months were marked on the notebook all the synchronous and moods, and ran at the right time by a person who could make me very badly in the future. It is not easy, I'm good at it: most people no longer view because it was blinded by the patina of the ephemeral and convenience. And many are so good, it's hard to "move" as a result, addressing the suffering that this entails. Just looking for easy solutions ... until then do not get the bat. I know that but there is nothing "easy" on the subtle planes and dedication in the study must always be absolute. Personally I believe that I really receive a gift and that I need to devote to this by applying the maximum penalty. And so should we do with all the gifts we possess, the talents that we possess and what we still recognize. But to do this we face the first phase of the operation: the Black, the darkness, suffering, ... Nigredo Initiation is never a joke and is not a magic word esoteric marked there at random texts ... is the dust our life that should instead be composed of continuous initiation of continuous Nigredo of continuous realize, see, act, suffer and rejoice. If

advanced in the dark, if you feel stifled, oppressed, uncertain, "hung" and at the same time if you know you have a pure heart, perhaps confused and sad but pure ... write everything in a notebook, then you smile and advanced serene looking for other signs, turn ye to calm the subtle plane, do not be afraid to ask the universe what is the mechanism more just for you at that time but be aware that everything will always through the crucible of a more or less suffering and that there will eggregori (usually created by yourself, but now have a life of its own), which always try to confuse you block and ... listen to the "randomness", the Sincronie, "hear" what you say, "look at" what you show, and if you find the Celandine, camminado for paths, ask the Vista. In the meantime I will present my own. And even a little bit of Hypericum. Ghosts, trauma, entities, sub-personalities .... all that escapes conscious memory has a logical explanation and is in our power to seek and find. The
Celandine is for you if you need it. Early bloom. With the nests of swallows.


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