The Wizard of Saturn and the two stones
Hausbuch Wolfegg, Saturn
I'm writing a story for the Wizard of Saturn, will publish only one because the rest will print on sheets of raw paper and the present of the Magician - with the two stones that are right for her - when the Universe will decide who will be time. Only then will publish the rest. Perhaps this will happen in my life or maybe the tale go beyond the boundaries of my time ...
The Wizard of Saturn is a guest at the Castle. It 'been invited and as usual do not think you deserve it, modesty is not his, mind you, it's just a kind of self-imposed mental mechanism act to encourage it to do more and better and better. It 's so that has always guided his life and the growth of his own person, driven by an innate stubborn and very strictly. When the wind blows from the north to the castle is cold, colder than usual, the Wizard of Saturn has pulled back the curtains and thinking, leaning against a column covered with slate, says the mountains in front of him. Very cold. Beautiful. The ice falls from there and creeps into his bones. But he holds. He is the Wizard of Saturn, unshakable. It always seems sad, even now, leaning that column, while looking at the mountains, he and Death in a thousand miles away from everybody, but he is so he is not a fool nor needs to have around jesters. He is sufficient for himself, always. The Wizard of Saturn has accepted his assignment without hesitation, the son and grandson of MA, was used to perform the duty that he was asked by ascetic perseverance, he has specialized writing done on the mechanisms of pain and is dedicated to finding a elusive recipe for a panacea that can "bonire all evil." It 's a bit one of his fixation. Sure, he has studied and knows Galen, but his passion is directed at another person ... and it is easy to understand. In part doctor and in the "priest". Alchemist. The Lords of the Castle, however, already have their doctor, as they have a priest to whom it does not seem real to have been elevated to that role, and chaplain who was ragged, he now finds a spiritual guide ... and transeamus - for now - on how to manage the sacred by this man ...
The Wizard of Saturn it should do anything else there at the castle, he would have another job to do in that house. And the castle is more of a rough jumble of stones, nothing to do with the beautiful, elegant fortresses of the Plain. The lords who dominate the valleys are rapacious and brutal and their homes reflect the essential warrior (And often Predosa) that characterizes them. The Middle Ages is one part time "crystallization" and the other period of movements "on the various chess pieces." It 's like everyone is looking for a place of power and were trying to figure out "which to choose and how to position within a world that is radically changing, a world that, like all periods of transition, there remains poised and there is air that has to change. But who are the protagonists of that time and place we are talking? They are the lords who live in the Alps still wild and try to push the boundaries of their possessions, day after day, as fierce battling Gentlemen ... there is the Church, with all his assistants, who does not love those places but is well aware of the need to establish outposts there, too, and above all they need "protection" and legitimacy, at least by those in power (or rather of those who have taken the lead) ... and then a plethora of helpful villagers in search of a corner in the sun while sitting on the floor next to the master's table ... and of course are always ready to cut his throat at the right time. No chivalrous ideal. Not least in those places. Finally, only the raw land to work for hundreds of poor people deprived of any right to claim on the fields for which they live spitting blood. We shall meet in secret among poor people, begins to drift a sort of fear of even a simple scan with little joy to the seasonal rhythms and looks to the now strong official religion to see if some things can still do or not, "calling the shots is in fact now the religion of the One and unapproachable God, a God who promises life eternal for those who never dare to raise its head in life that they now are living. suffer in silence!, only that you are allowed! Certain "holidays" there is still the old echo, although where the Church did not cover with its mantle, the tendency is to bloody repression. Or at least the ban. The development would seem the only entertainment, nothing, not even the weddings tend to be more public because the Lord would want to intervene and assume the right to claim the graces of the bride, usually with beneplacido when even the mockery of itself Castellana. The Lords have as they see fit women who inhabit their land. The Wizard of Saturn tends to stay away from certain things, wasting time, he is considered a privileged, he studied at the School of Science and Konrad von Megenberg lords who dominate those areas if they contend for his own name son of a scholar of scholars. And so the Wizard of Saturn has always got to be able to take care of Science, is secretly (very secretly eh!) In love with the writings of Hildegard von Bingen, very cleverly takes care of the policy area and also knowingly provides help to those who need it, but quietly he could not bear the idea of \u200b\u200ban odious line of needy people at his door. He possesses the gift of a great love - the content but not measured! - For all humanity that surrounds him. He could have chosen to install him as Lord at his current residence and his laboratory, but declined further invitations to be a diplomat to do so could not create any enemy. For now. And he always has control over its potential enemies. Up there at the Castle all the fear, the fear is that the Lords quell'ex butcher called "doctor" and is the ragged slimy priest. But above all the fear the Lords. And he feels very protected from this, protected in his power to do pretty much what he likes most and be able to roam freely in their possessions. It 'was during one of those who saw her wandering the Witch. He saw her, but she has not seen him. At least not in the sense that he imagines. She in fact has only "heard". And then it was bad. Very bad. He can not understand "why" than its intrusion that gradually, over time, has become stronger. Someone had spoken of the Witch, he was told that there, on the crossroads to the north boundary of his possessions Gentlemen, lives in a cave half a girl voted maybe an ancient god, or perhaps a demon, some swears that she "rides a wolf with the Old, "is rather those who have seen quotidinamente fill the vase of flowers next to the shrine of the Virgin, to climb up there and pastures ... but no, for now, has never taken the habit of going to get her to ask something, ask to be accountable for its actions. Every time she was visited by some sick and often the daughters of poor people waiting for unwanted children present companion in arms of passage, the children of the same soldiers that you care but do not have the courage to touch it because of the stories about his servant Lucibello, Lover and powerful demon, or goes to the women's house in childbirth, but all in secret, everyone is magnetized but nobody wants too have to do with her and she does not want too many people around ... once went from there also la Castellana to ask a favor , it says the grace of a son who invariably had arrived, and so the rumor had spread around giving it a sort of legitimacy to stay there. " They say that you can speak with the demons, will be able to attract them and send them away from the body and mind and do so even those with which the priest can do. Lives of Our Lady of Grace ... or perhaps that of the Devil? In any event, beyond the rumors, for what is certain is that as long as she reigns Castellana anyone, not even the sleazy priest who thinks he's having good reason, or dare to send her away to her worse. She is a bit 'like the Wizard of Saturn has set its balance and trouble to tear! And indeed that is not The Wizard of Saturn is looking for it had not gone there on purpose, it was by chance (by chance?) In front of that hole cave where she lives, had stopped his horse and went down to pick up a drink from a rudimentary tank where the witch is used to collect rainwater. Then suddenly it stopped. He had seen her from behind, skinny and dressed in pieces, fiddling with something in front of a small fire, signs traced on the ground, feathers, stones, sticks and words spoken in a low voice. In the hands a small sickle, those from the field. The Wizard of Saturn is not superstitious, is a man of Science, at least he tries, and his studies prove it ... just do not like to be caught off guard, knows what is moving on very thin floors and behind the thin veil of reason ... and so had decided to stand by and watch the scene hidden by a giant larch. The girl, the Witch, always from behind, apparently did not move. Perhaps he spoke ... or was it the wind? The face was fixed on an indefinite point in the right hand clutching the sickle close. Beside her a black dog, a large mastiff, stood quietly and looked like a sphinx. The dog! The Wizard of Saturn had not noticed the dog ... and suddenly the animal moved in his direction. Without growl nor bark, just pointing the area. "It will have After the horse, although I tied far from clear ...". The Wizard of Saturn began to dislike the situation, had no means nor time to study it enough for him and calm, patience, reasoning and the cold calculation but were really essential to move at best. That situation instead contravened every rule ... He felt a latent danger, even though it was very well armed and a girl with a dog were not a threat "natural" for him. He was trained in the science so as to guns. But there was something else. Something attracted him, and he knew there was something, he knew!, that would be very useful here, but prudence made him rather immobile, paralyzed. The big dog had walked three or four yards in his direction when the Witch, still without turning around, recalled him to himself. Immediately the animal turned toward her, ran to her, then looked back toward the Wizard of Saturn. The Witch is not never turned towards him. He walked toward the cave and gently invited her dog to follow. Both disappeared into that black hole of stone. The Wizard of Saturn did not move for a few seconds, then quickly walked away towards his horse. Saddle was assailed by the strange sensation, a mixture of relief escaped the danger and an opportunity lost ... but for now still has to be all right ... Time will give or take away reason, only time has this power over him. No one else. And he is not afraid ... Time Mage as Kronos does not fear death and waiting. Afraid of one thing and one thing is drawn: the madness. And incredibly admiring of demons who is not afraid of human folly.
Witch instead knows: it's the Wizard of Saturn, he felt it coming and had "seen" even if they have not looked at it and we can say that he does not know who he is (the Witch is far away from logic and from events at the Castle), but this time he knows he can also turn the sickle and hold it on the side of the blade, she will no longer anything to establish a priori, who brings with him the chill of Scythe can not control anything , is why, cautiously, it was not time ... but for now, even for her, is still okay ...
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