Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fast Frontal Lobe Dementia

Of silly categorizations

"So sorry you prefer to children or animals?"
"between a child and Who would you save a dog? "
Here. Questions before so what do you do?

Some would say opposing arguments, always.
Others would use the flamethrower.
Others would be more seraphic: forget, without a shield and away some copies.
To each his own ... I
before these silly simplifications and banalities that touch on the lives of living things did not admit an apology. And mind you that in this case is not "ignorance" to date, unfortunately, a lack of culture, family background or a "dry". It is precisely this superficial and what is not excusable. The inspiration for this post I receive directly from Facebook. I have a Facebook page that I use only food for thought on Alchemy, for news of exhibitions and events (I think) interesting or protest / environmental initiatives / animal rights or solidarity in general and for the sharing of some important issues with friends and friends. Point. And do not tolerate that on my Dashboard (as in comments to my blog post, so I turned on the moderation) can express opinions contrary to my values, does not tolerate the publication of phrases such as "Better suppress dogs kennels that take away resources that could instead be used for children "or the like : " I g acts bother " (but a nuisance to those who and how?) I think it's only the head of some people to be outclassed by the nuisance. Reasoning skinny, shallow, rude (because it was my Dashboard and everyone knows how I feel), and vapid cast "casting". They said the Alchemists: "Haste is from the Devil." Now the phlegm of Saturn we know to be the privilege of a few and exercise but also occasionally use the gray matter of the brain would not hurt. So, just to keep it in operation! Categorizations do not need anyone, do not trigger any critical reflection, zero empathy, participation mystique (Levy-Bruhl to put it) that everyone would be able, and they only highlighted the worst part of all of us. Outside the categorizations may instead express a thought which may also be critical, even in disagreement, but at least it is a rational thing - that is supported by a minimum of reasoning makes sense! - And not a priori stupid. To say that dogs or cats guests at a kennel or shelter of some should be deleted because they can feed with that money "children" (what?) Is something that makes no sense. Dogs and cats have no guilt for the fact of having been abandoned by some hick uncivilized, do not have faults of their prisoners find themselves in a cage after a lifetime of dedication and friendship. And "children"? This magic word that gets thrown out each time to corroborate the opinion of many petty and crude! Why not begin to contemplate the idea of \u200b\u200bremoving some absurd and shameful privilege to "political" (if so we call them, as Aristotle thought I think Italy is turning in his grave!) that "we" are instead of thinking immediately remove the bread from the mouths of dogs who have no guilt but to "exist" and want to eat? (AS THEY BOTH HAVE RIGHT YOU and the "children"!). We begin to contemplate this idea: less privileges for politicians, less inventory, less travel for free, decent but not extravagant wages, fewer trips to their girlfriends on the flights of the state, and so on ... this way you know how many resources to help blow out both children and dogs, and cats, that the elderly poor, the hospitals where not even exist equipment to do the analysis, that schools that lack even the desks and chairs ... .. And sometimes we really need to stop talking about "Systems", ultra-esoteric discoveries, fenomenologiadisticavoli, stop playing the "Masters" ( then usually the most useless are those lessons are not required, those who are self-proposed "Master") and return to look back, to feel empathy for the smallest of the small ... but how do you lose empathy for the little ones? To imagine a dog in a cage as an expense and to establish "priority" when there would be no need? How can you not love the face of suffering? The suffering of all. Why a blackbird captured and imprisoned in a tiny cage, forced to live by as a draw because a hunter can shoot his other brothers feather and a brutal, brutal, and so it is that some adults take upon themselves the right to "visit" at night and spoil the children's innocence. I can not see the difference: the terror, suffering, fear, despair and sadness are the same. It 's all brutal and who thinks for "segregated" or worse, those who refuse to look and feel of the suffering of others ("because it hurts me so much and I am very very sensitive') is just selfish. I am too emotional, I cry always silent but emotional, I realize, that's why I screen so much and always try to stay away from people, because all of a sudden you discover that a person hides within itself the most incredible malice or behind a suspected hyper-sensitivity lies a heart false and selfish. My closest friends, those who will never leave me and despite my constant postings silences, they say that I always screen too, it is true that "see beyond" but that the world of the Angels should not be my only world I also occasionally get out. Perhaps this blog thing is also an exercise in this regard. The Wizard of Saturn understand me well (even if he does not know ...) because it is so too, too bad that belongs to another Aeon, so far away ... Then I think that if a person is unresponsive or, worse, disgust, before the sad eyes of a caged animal, if not budge in, if you "do not want to watch" because it is considered too sensitive (when it is not so because then the facts show that generally the people capable of worse things) or if he comes to regard the poor as a living being only "economic losses "you will never even feel empathy for" the children "... It saves all or do not save anyone, I think so. And I do not care nothing about who you are, " what is your job, how many degrees you have, how much money you have, because you're famous / a, how many books you've written, because you are esoterically informed ... in my yardstick is another and is based solely and entirely on respect, sensitivity and love for the living. For all the living. And the mourning for the planet we live with all his great poem. This is not to deny the minimum bases of respect ... and even to take those as starting points for our thoughts and our conversations.

PS Thanks to Monica for the photos.


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